Dr Richard Harwood

A list of my publications and citation metrics can be found on my google scholar
Here I will expand on that list and briefly summarise my research:

Plant Physiology Papers

Embracing 3D Complexity in Leaf Carbon–Water Exchange
My first ever paper! In this opinion piece I contributed a 3D reconstruction of a wheat mesophyll cell and contributed to the discussion on considering 3D anatomy when trying to better understand mesophyll conductance. Led by my amazing PhD supervisor Margaret Barbour

Cell and chloroplast anatomical features are poorly estimated from 2D cross-sections
My first ever lead author paper! Here we produced a large amount of cell and chloroplast 3D models and compared the results to established methods used to infer 3D surface area and volume from 2D cross sections. We showed that 2D models often perform poorly and discuss the benefits of moving towards a 3D based approach.

No evidence of homeostatic regulation of leaf temperature in Eucalyptus parramattensis trees: integration of CO2 flux and oxygen isotope methodologies
An awesome collaboration with Western Sydney University using whole tree chambers! Here I measured the oxygen isotopes of whole tree chambers and the surrounding atmosphere for 80+ days. Using regular measurements of trunk diameter, I was able to isolate trunk cellulose from specific growth periods. The oxygen isotope ratios of the cellulose was measured and compared to online measurements of leaf temperature to test the accuracy of cellulose as a record of ambient temperature and relative humidity during periods of carbon assimilation.

Isotopic steady state or non-steady state transpiration? Insights from whole-tree chambers
Another great collaboration with Western Sydney University using whole tree chambers. This project investigated if trees transpire at isotopic steady state. Our observations showed that E. parramattensis trees are seldom transpiring at isotopic steady state over a diel period, but transpiration approaches source water isotopic composition over longer time periods. In the paper we suggest applications where steady state can and cant be assumed. For this project I made a ShinyApp so my collaborators could easily interact with the data.

Understanding airspace in leaves: 3D anatomy and directional tortuosity
An awesome collaboration with Guillaume Théroux-Rancourt ! Here we used carbon isotopes to estimate mesophyll conductance and SBF-SEM to capture cell and airspace properties of 4 different eucalyptus species. This paper was about quantifying the airspace and relating imaging to experimental data. We showed that when the airspace in leaves is heterogeneous previous assumptions fail.

Creating a virtual leaf
When I was wrapping up my thesis, I wrote a short discussion section called “Creating a virtual leaf”. When AOBP promoted a special issue for “Emerging voices in botany” I immediately thought of that part of my thesis that I loved writing but didn’t have the time to polish. Since my thesis there had also been some incredible 3D leaf models published so it gave me an opportunity to explore those as well.

Bioimage Analysis Papers

The blood vasculature instructs lymphatic patterning in a SOX7-dependent manner
An awesome collaboration with Mathias Francois and his amazing team! In this project I developed a bespoke image analysis pipeline to analyze Vegfc transcript using single-molecule FISH in vivo.

Capillary contact points determine beta cell polarity, control secretion and are disrupted in the db/db mouse model of diabetes
A really fun collaboration with Peter Thorn and his awesome lab! Here I helped develop a bespoke 3D image segmentation workflow and custom scripts to quantify the distance between cells and capillaries.

Impaired maturation of wild-type superoxide dismutase 1 associated with neurodegeneration in Parkinson disease brain and a novel murine model
A really exciting project with Kay Double led by Amr Abdeen. Here I helped analyse confocal microscope images to capture SOD1 aggregate volume and its proportion inside and outside TH+ neuron cell bodies.

Scientific Outreach Papers

3D images of leaves: a photo shoot we should all be looking at
An outreach article with Margaret Barbour that uses our 3D imaging data to inspire students to get into plant science and combat “plant blindness”. For this article I created a 3D model of a chickpea leaf that could be 3D printed!